GOSAT CH4 and CO2, MODIS Evapotranspiration on the Northern Hemisphere June and July 2009, 2010 and 2011

GOSAT CH4 and CO2, MODIS Evapotranspiration on the Northern Hemisphere June and July 2009, 2010 and 2011. .

Abstract: The Greenhouse gases Observing Satellite (GOSAT) affords an ability to assess and monitor CH4 and CO2 near-surface atmospheric concentrations globally on monthly scales pertaining to biogeochemical cycles and anthropogenic emissions. In addition to GOSAT our investigation incorporates global-monthly estimates of evapotranspiration (ET) from the Moderate Resolution Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and fire/wildfire locations for correspondence and comparison. We restrict the investigation to the months of June and July in years 2009, 2010 and 2011.

MODIS-Derived Arctic Land-Surface Temperature Trends

MODIS-Derived Arctic Land-Surface Temperature Trends. .

Abstract: Across the Arctic changes in active layer, melting of glaciers and ground ice, thawing of permafrost and sequestration changes of carbon storage are driven in part by variations of land surface heat absorption, conduction and re-radiation relative to solar irradiance. We investigate Arctic land-surface temperature changes and regional variations derived by the MODIS sensors on NASA Aqua and Terra from March 2000 through July 2012. Over this decadal period we detect increase in the number of days with daytime land-surface temperature above 0℃.

The United States National Climate Assessment — Alaska Technical Regional Report now available

A new technical report for the Alaska region highlights results from the United States National Climate Assessment. GIPL members Vladimir Romanovsky, Guido Grosse, and Sergei Marchenko are contributing authors in this report, published as USGS Circular 1379.

Cover of USGS 1379

First issue of "Changing Ice" published: A newsletter of Cryosphere Research in Alaska

The first newsletter "Changing Ice" targeting Cryosphere research in Alaska has been published and features several research examples from the GI Permafrost Lab. With this newsletter projects and discoveries led by Alaskan Cryosphere scientists are highlighted with the hope to create a tool that allows efficient communication between scientists and stakeholders.


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