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D. A. Walker, Epstein, H. E., Romanovsky, V. E., Ping, C. L., Michaelson, G. J., Daanen, R. P., Shur, Y., Peterson, R. A., Krantz, W. B., Raynolds, M. K., Gould, W. A., Gonzalez, G., Nicolsky, D. J., Vonlanthen, C. M., Kade, A. N., Kuss, P., Kelley, A. M., Munger, C. A., Tamocai, C. T., Matveyeva, N. V., and Daniels, F. J. A., Arctic patterned-ground ecosystems: A synthesis of field studies and models along a North American Arctic Transect, Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, vol. 113, p. -, 2008.
F. Kienast, Tarasov, P., Schirrmeister, L., Grosse, G., and Andreev, A. A., Continental climate in the East Siberian Arctic during the last interglacial: implications from palaeobotanical records, Global and Planetary Change, vol. 60, pp. 535-562, 2008.
C. L. Ping, Michaelson, G. J., Kimble, J. M., Romanovsky, V. E., Shur, Y. L., Swanson, D. K., and Walker, D. A., Cryogenesis and soil formation along a bioclimate gradient in Arctic North America, Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, vol. 113, p. -, 2008.
G. Grosse, Romanovsky, V. E., Walter, K., Morgenstern, A., Lantuit, H., and Zimov, S., Distribution of Thermokarst Lakes and Ponds at Three Yedoma Sites in Siberia, Ninth International Conference on Permafrost. Institute of Northern Engineering UAF, Fairbanks, pp. 551-556, 2008.
R. L. Scott, Cable, W. L., and Hultine, K. R., The ecohydrologic significance of hydraulic redistribution in a semiarid savanna, vol. 44, 2008.
A. Morgenstern, Grosse, G., and Schirrmeister, L., Genetical, Morphological, and Statistical Characterization of Lakes in the Permafrost-Dominated Lena Delta, Ninth International Conference on Permafrost. Institute of Northern Engineering, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, pp. 1239-1244, 2008.
C. D. Arp and Jones, B. M., Geography of Alaska Lake Districts: Identification, description, and analysis of lake-rich regions of a diverse and dynamic state, p. 40, 2008.
R. P. Daanen, Romanovsky, V. E., Walker, D. A., and LaDouceur, M., High Resolution, Surface and Subsurface, Survey of a Non-sorted Circle System, Ninth Internatonal Confererence on Permafrost, vol. 1, pp. 321-326, 2008.
C. - L. Ping, Michaelson, G. J., Jorgenson, M. T., Kimble, J. M., Epstein, H., Romanovsky, V. E., and Walker, D. A., High stocks of soil organic carbon in the North American Arctic region, Nature Geoscience, vol. 1, pp. 615-619, 2008.
D. J. Nicolsky, Romanovsky, V. E., Tipenko, G. S., and Walker, D. A., Modeling biogeophysical interactions in nonsorted circles in the Low Arctic, Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, vol. 113, p. -, 2008.
R. L. Scott, Cable, W. L., Huxman, T. E., Nagler, P. L., Hernandez, M., and Goodrich, D. C., Multiyear riparian evapotranspiration and groundwater use for a semiarid watershed, vol. 72, pp. 1232 - 1246, 2008.
S. S. Marchenko, Romanovsky, V. E., and Tipenko, G. S., Numerical Modeling of Spatial Permafrost Dynamics in Alaska, Ninth International Conference on Permafrost. Institute of Northern Engineering UAF, Fairbanks, pp. 1125-1130, 2008.
S. S. Marchenko, Romanovsky, V. E., and Tipenko, G. S., Numerical Modeling of Spatial Permafrost Dynamics in Alaska, Ninth International Conference on Permafrost. Institute of Northern Engineering UAF, Fairbanks, pp. 1125-1130, 2008.
P. P. Overduin, Engemaier, R., Lantuit, H., and Grosse, G., Opportunities and requirements for ALOS data application to Arctic coastline change detection, in ALOS PIs Symposium, 2008.
L. Schirrmeister, Grosse, G., Kunitsky, V., Magens, D., Meyer, H., Dereviagin, A., Kuznetsova, T., Andreev, A., Babiy, O., Kienast, F., Grigoriev, M., Overduin, P. Paul, and Preusser, F., Periglacial landscape evolution and environmental changes of Arctic lowland areas for the last 60,000 years (western Laptev Sea coast, Cape Mamontov Klyk), Polar Research, vol. 27, pp. 249-272, 2008.
J. Brown and Romanovsky, V. E., Report from the International Permafrost Association: State of permafrost in the first decade of the 21(st) century, PERMAFROST AND PERIGLACIAL PROCESSES, vol. 19, pp. 255-260, 2008.
D. M. Lawrence, Slater, A. G., Romanovsky, V. E., and Nicolsky, D. J., Sensitivity of a model projection of near-surface permafrost degradation to soil column depth and representation of soil organic matter, Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface, vol. 113, p. -, 2008.
R. P. Daanen, Misra, D., Epstein, H., Walker, D., and Romanovsky, V. E., Simulating nonsorted circle development in arctic tundra ecosystems, Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, vol. 113, p. G03S06, 2008.
V. E. Romanovsky, Marchenko, S. S., Daanen, R. P., Sergeev, D. O., and Walker, D. A., Soil climate and frost heave along the Permafrost/Ecological North American Arctic Transect, Ninth International Conference On Permafrost. Fairbanks (in this proceedings), 2008.
R. R. Muskett, Lingle, C. S., Sauber, J. M., Post, A. S., Tangborn, W. V., and Rabus, B. T., Surging, Accelerating Surface Lowering and Volume Reduction of the Malaspina Glacier System, Alaska, U.S.A., and Yukon, Canada, from 1972 through 2006, J. Glaciol., vol. 54, pp. 788–800, 2008.
E. A. G. Schuur, Bockheim, J., Canadell, J. G., Euskirchen, E., Field, C. B., Goryachkin, S. V., Hagemann, S., Kuhry, P., Lafleur, P. M., Lee, H., Mazhitova, G., Nelson, F. E., Rinke, A., Romanovsky, V. E., Shiklomanov, N., Tarnocai, C., Venevsky, S., Vogel, J. G., and Zimov, S. A., Vulnerability of permafrost carbon to climate change: Implications for the global carbon cycle, Bioscience, vol. 58, pp. 701-714, 2008.
L. Schirrmeister, Meyer, H., Wetterich, S., Siegert, C., Kunitsky, V. V., Grosse, G., Kuznetsova, T. V., and Derevyagin, A. Y., The Yedoma Suite of the Northeastern Siberian Shelf Region: Characteristics and Concept of Formation, Ninth International Conference on Permafrost. Institute of Northern Engineering, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, USA, pp. 1595-1600, 2008.
