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K. Saito, Liaudat, íoTrombotto, Yoshikawa, K., Mori, J., Sone, T., Marchenko, S., Romanovsky, V. E., Walsh, J., Hendricks, A., and Bottegal, ía, Late Quaternary Permafrost Distributions Downscaled for South America: Examinations of GCM-based Maps with Observations, Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, p. n/a - n/a, 2015.
B. K. Biskaborn, Lanckman, J. - P., Lantuit, H., Elger, K., Streletskiy, D. A., Cable, W. L., and Romanovsky, V. E., The new database of the Global Terrestrial Network for Permafrost (GTN-P), Earth System Science Data, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 245 - 259, 2015.
M. J. Lara, A. McGuire, D., Euskirchen, E. S., Tweedie, C. E., Hinkel, K. M., Skurikhin, A. N., Romanovsky, V. E., Grosse, G., Bolton, W. R., and Genet, H., Polygonal tundra geomorphological change in response to warming alters future CO 2 and CH 4 flux on the Barrow Peninsula, Global Change Biology, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 1634 - 1651, 2015.
S. Westerman, Duguay, C., Grosse, G., and Kääb, A., Remote Sensing of the Cryosphere, 2015, pp. 307-344.
C. D. Koven, Schuur, E. A. G., ädel, C., Bohn, T. J., Burke, E. J., Chen, G., Chen, X., Ciais, P., Grosse, G., Harden, J. W., Hayes, D. J., Hugelius, G., Jafarov, E. E., Krinner, G., Kuhry, P., Lawrence, D. M., MacDougall, A. H., Marchenko, S. S., A. McGuire, D., Natali, S. M., Nicolsky, D. J., Olefeldt, D., Peng, S., Romanovsky, V. E., Schaefer, K. M., Strauss, J., Treat, C. C., and Turetsky, M., A simplified, data-constrained approach to estimate the permafrost carbon–climate feedback, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, vol. 37323, GB2023263926116, G00M02261114, F020212512116, no. 2054, p. 20140423, 2015.
R. R. Muskett, Arctic Diurnal Land-Surface Temperature Range Changes Derived by NASA MODIS-Terra and -Aqua 2000 through 2012, Atmospheric and Climate Sciences, vol. 4, pp. 231-240, 2014.
M. K. Raynolds, Walker, D. A., Ambrosius, K. J., Brown, J., Everett, K. R., Kanevskiy, M., Kofinas, G. P., Romanovsky, V. E., Shur, Y., and Webber, P. J., Cumulative geoecological effects of 62 years of infrastructure and climate change in ice-rich permafrost landscapes, Prudhoe Bay Oilfield, Alaska, Global Change Biology, p. n/a-n/a, 2014.
D. L. Luo, Jin, H. J., Marchenko, S. S., and Romanovsky, V. E., Distribution and changes of active layer thickness (ALT) and soil temperature (TTOP) in the source area of the Yellow River using the GIPL model, SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences, vol. 57, pp. 1834-1845, 2014.
E. E. Jafarov, Nicolsky, D. J., Romanovsky, V. E., Walsh, J. E., Panda, S. K., and Serreze, M. C., The effect of snow: How to better model ground surface temperatures, Cold Regions Science and Technology, vol. 102, pp. 63 - 77, 2014.
K. Saito, Marchenko, S. S., Romanovsky, V. E., Hendricks, A., Bigelow, N., Yoshikawa, K., and Walsh, J., Evaluation of LPM permafrost distribution in NE Asia reconstructed and downscaled from GCM simulations, Boreas, vol. 43, pp. 733-749, 2014.
L. Zhao, Jin, H. J., Li, C. C., Cui, Z. J., Chang, X. L., Marchenko, S. S., Vandenberghe, J., Zhang, T. J., Luo, D. L., Guo, D. X., Liu, G. N., and Yi, C. L., The extent of permafrost in China during the local Last Glacial Maximum (LLGM), Boreas, vol. 43, pp. 688-698, 2014.
S. K. Panda, Marchenko, S. S., and Romanovsky, V. E., High-resolution permafrost modeling in Denali National Park and Preserve, pp. 1 - 46, 2014.
S. K. Panda, Marchenko, S. S., and Romanovsky, V. E., High-resolution permafrost modeling in Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve, pp. 1 - 40, 2014.
R. R. Muskett, ICESat-Derived Elevation Changes on the Lena Delta and Laptev Sea, Siberia, Open Journal of Modern Hydrology, vol. 4, pp. 1-9, 2014.
R. R. Muskett, MODIS-Derived Nighttime Arctic Land-Surface Temperature Nascent Trends and Non-Stationary Changes, American Journal of Climate Change, vol. 3, pp. 169-177, 2014.
K. M. Walter Anthony, Zimov, S. A., Grosse, G., Jones, M. C., Anthony, P. M., Chapin, III, F. S., Finlay, J. C., Mack, M. C., Davydov, S., Frenzel, P., and Frolking, S., A shift of thermokarst lakes from carbon sources to sinks during the Holocene epoch, Nature, vol. advance online publication, p. -, 2014.
S. S. Marchenko and Etzelmüller, B., 8.15 Permafrost: Formation and Distribution, Thermal and Mechanical Properties, in Treatise on Geomorphology, J. F. Shroder, Ed. San Diego: Academic Press, 2013, pp. 202-222.
M. Engram, Anthony, K. W., Meyer, F. J., and Grosse, G., Characterization of L-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) backscatter from floating and grounded thermokarst lake ice in Arctic Alaska, The Cryosphere, vol. 7, pp. 1741-1752, 2013.
M. Engram, Anthony, K. W., Meyer, F. J., and Grosse, G., Characterization of L-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) backscatter from floating and grounded lake ice in arctic Alaska, The Cryosphere Discussion, vol. 7, pp. 2061 - 2088, 2013.
P. Kuhry, Grosse, G., Harden, J., Hugelius, G., Koven, C. D., Ping, C. L., Schirrmeister, L., and Tarnocai, C., Characterization of the Permafrost Carbon Pool, Permafrost & Periglacial Processes, vol. 24, pp. 146–155, 2013.
B. M. Jones, Gusmeroli, A., Arp, C. D., Strozzi, T., Grosse, G., Gaglioti, B. V., and Whitman, M. S., Classification of freshwater ice conditions on the Alaskan Arctic Coastal Plain using ground penetrating radar and TerraSAR-X satellite data, International Journal of Remote Sensing, pp. 8253 - 8265, 2013.
B. M. Jones, Gusmeroli, A., Arp, C. D., Strozzi, T., Grosse, G., Gaglioti, B. V., and Whitman, M. S., Classification of freshwater ice conditions on the Alaskan Arctic Coastal Plain using ground penetrating radar and TerraSAR-X satellite data, International Journal of Remote Sensing, pp. 8253-8265, 2013.
J. Strauss, Schirrmeister, L., Grosse, G., Wetterich, S., Ulrich, M., Herzschuh, U., and Hubberten, H. - W., The deep permafrost carbon pool of the Yedoma region in Siberia and Alaska, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 40, p. 2013GL058088, 2013.
A. D. Parsekian, Grosse, G., Walbrecker, J. O., Müller-Petke, M., Keating, K., Liu, L., Jones, B. M., and Knight, R., Detecting unfrozen sediments below thermokarst lakes with Surface Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 40, pp. 535-540, 2013.
G. Grosse, Robinson, J. E., Bryant, R., Taylor, M. D., Harper, W., DeMasi, A., Kyker-Snowman, E., Veremeeva, A., Schirrmeister, L., and Harden, J., Distribution of Late Pleistocene Ice-Rich Syngenetic Permafrost of the Yedoma Suite in East and Central Siberia, Russia, p. 37 p., 2013.
