High temporal and spatial resolution satellite image observations for the past decade highlight complexities associated with permafrost coastal bluff erosion in the Arctic

TitleHigh temporal and spatial resolution satellite image observations for the past decade highlight complexities associated with permafrost coastal bluff erosion in the Arctic
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsJones, BM, Bull, DL, Farquharson, LM, Baughman, CA, Arp, CD, Grosse, G, Günther, F, Kanevskiy, M, Iwahana, G, Bondurant, AC, Buzard, RM, Sachs, T, Nitze, I, Kasper, JL, Frederick, JM, Thomas, M, Mota, A, Jones, C, Roberts, J, Dallimore, S, Tweedie, C, Maio, C, Mann, DH, Richmond, B, Gibbs, A, Xiao, M, Romanovsky, VE
Conference Name15th International Circumpolar Remote Sensing Symposium
Date PublishedSeptember