Reply to the comment: Northern Hemisphere permafrost extent: Drylands, glaciers and sea floor

TitleReply to the comment: Northern Hemisphere permafrost extent: Drylands, glaciers and sea floor
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsObu, J, Westermann, S, Bartsch, A, Berdnikov, N, Christiansen, HH, Dashtseren, A, Delaloye, R, Elberling, B, Etzelmüller, B, Kholodov, A, Khomutov, A, Kääb, A, Leibman, MO, Lewkowicz, AG, Panda, SK, Romanovsky, V, Way, RG, Westergaard-Nielsen, A, Wu, T, Yamkhin, J, Zou, D
Date Published2020/04/01/
ISBN Number0012-8252
Short TitleEarth-Science Reviews