
Found 69 results
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S. L. Smith, H. O’Neill, B., Isaksen, K., Noetzli, J., and Romanovsky, V. E., The changing thermal state of permafrost, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 10 - 23, 2022.
D. A. Walker, Raynolds, M. K., Kanevskiy, M. Z., Shur, Y. S., Romanovsky, V. E., Jones, B. M., Buchhorn, M., M. Jorgenson, T., Šibík, J., Breen, A. L., Kade, A., Watson-Cook, E., Matyshak, G., Bergstedt, H., Liljedahl, A. K., Daanen, R. P., Connor, B., Nicolsky, D., and Peirce, J. L., Cumulative impacts of a gravel road and climate change in an ice-wedge-polygon landscape, Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, Arctic ScienceArctic Science, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 1040 - 1066, 2022.
G. Malkova, Drozdov, D., Vasiliev, A., Gravis, A., Kraev, G., Korostelev, Y., Nikitin, K., Orekhov, P., Ponomareva, O., Romanovsky, V., Sadurtdinov, M., Shein, A., Skvortsov, A., Sudakova, M., and Tsarev, A., Spatial and Temporal Variability of Permafrost in the Western Part of the Russian Arctic. 2022.
L. M. Farquharson, Romanovsky, V. E., Kholodov, A., and Nicolsky, D., Sub-aerial talik formation observed across the discontinuous permafrost zone of Alaska, vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 475 - 481, 2022.
M. Liew, Ji, X., Xiao, M., Farquharson, L., Nicolsky, D., Romanovsky, V., Bray, M., Zhang, X., and McComb, C., Synthesis of physical processes of permafrost degradation and geophysical and geomechanical properties of permafrost, vol. 198, p. 103522, 2022.
M. Liew, Xiao, M., Farquharson, L., Nicolsky, D., Jensen, A., Romanovsky, V., Peirce, J., Alessa, L., McComb, C., Zhang, X., and Jones, B., Understanding Effects of Permafrost Degradation and Coastal Erosion on Civil Infrastructure in Arctic Coastal Villages: A Community Survey and Knowledge Co-Production. 2022.
M. A. Rawlins, Cai, L., Stuefer, S. L., and Nicolsky, D., Changing characteristics of runoff and freshwater export from watersheds draining northern Alaska, The Cryosphere, vol. 13, pp. 3337–3352, 2019.
O. Karjalainen, Aalto, J., Luoto, M., Westermann, S., Romanovsky, V. E., Nelson, F. E., Etzelmüller, B., and Hjort, J., Circumpolar permafrost maps and geohazard indices for near-future infrastructure risk assessments, vol. 6, no. 1, p. 190037, 2019.
L. M. Farquharson, Romanovsky, V. E., Cable, W. L., Walker, D. A., Kokelj, S. V., and Nicolsky, D., Climate Change Drives Widespread and Rapid Thermokarst Development in Very Cold Permafrost in the Canadian High Arctic, Geophysical Research LettersGeophysical Research LettersGeophys. Res. Lett., vol. 46, no. 12, pp. 6681 - 6689, 2019.
Y. Yi, Chen, R. H., Nicolsky, D., Moghaddam, M., Kimball, J. S., Romanovsky, V. E., and Miller, C. E., Developing A Soil Inversion Model Framework for Regional Permafrost Monitoring, in IGARSS 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2019.
V. V. Garayshin, Nicolsky, D. J., and Romanovsky, V. E., Numerical modeling of two-dimensional temperature field dynamics across non-deforming ice-wedge polygons, vol. 161, pp. 115 - 128, 2019.
B. K. Biskaborn, Smith, S. L., Noetzli, J., Matthes, H., Vieira, G., Streletskiy, D. A., Schoeneich, P., Romanovsky, V. E., Lewkowicz, A. G., Abramov, A., Allard, M., Boike, J., Cable, W. L., Christiansen, H. H., Delaloye, R., Diekmann, B., Drozdov, D., Etzelmüller, B., Grosse, G., Guglielmin, M., Ingeman-Nielsen, T., Isaksen, K., Ishikawa, M., Johansson, M., Johannsson, H., Joo, A., Kaverin, D., Kholodov, A., Konstantinov, P., Kröger, T., Lambiel, C., Lanckman, J. - P., Luo, D. L., Malkova, G., Meiklejohn, I., Moskalenko, N., Oliva, M., Phillips, M., Ramos, M., A. Sannel, B. K., Sergeev, D., Seybold, C., Skryabin, P., Vasiliev, A., Wu, Q., Yoshikawa, K., Zheleznyak, M., and Lantuit, H., Permafrost is warming at a global scale, vol. 10, no. 1, p. 264, 2019.
