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Filters: Author is Reginald R. Muskett and Keyword is alaska [Clear All Filters]
“Remote Sensing, Model-Derived and Ground Measurements of Snow Water Equivalent and Snow Density in Alaska”, International Journal of Geosciences, vol. 3, pp. 1127-1136, 2012.
, “Alaskan Permafrost Groundwater Storage Changes from GRACE and Ground Measurements”, Remote Sensing, vol. 3, pp. 378-397, 2011.
, The Bering, Malaspina and Icy Bay Glacier Systems: Mass Balances, Dynamic Changes and Contribution to Global Sea Level Rise. Saarbrucken: Lambert Academic Publishing AG & Co. KG, Germany, 2010, p. 212.
, “Airborne and spaceborne DEM- and laser altimetry-derived surface elevation and volume changes of the Bering Glacier system, Alaska, USA, and Yukon, Canada, 1972-2006”, J. Glaciol., vol. 55, pp. 316-326, 2009.
, “Acceleration of Surface Lowering on the Tidewater Glaciers of Icy Bay, Alaska, U.S.A., from InSAR DEMs and ICESat Altimetry”, Earth and Planetary Sci. Lett., vol. 265, pp. 345–359, 2008.
, “Surging, Accelerating Surface Lowering and Volume Reduction of the Malaspina Glacier System, Alaska, U.S.A., and Yukon, Canada, from 1972 through 2006”, J. Glaciol., vol. 54, pp. 788–800, 2008.