
Found 33 results
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Filters: Author is Romanovsky, Vladimir and Keyword is Permafrost  [Clear All Filters]
T. E. Osterkamp and Romanovsky, V. E., Evidence for warming and thawing of discontinuous permafrost in Alaska, Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, vol. 10, pp. 17-37, 1999.
C. R. Duguay, Zhang, T., Leverington, D. W., and Romanovsky, V. E., Satellite remote sensing of permafrost and seasonally frozen ground, in Remote sensing in northern hydrology; measuring environmental change, vol. 163, C. R. Duguay and Pietroniro, A., Eds. Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union, 2005, pp. 91-118.
