
Found 302 results
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V. E. Romanovsky and Osterkamp, T. E., Effects of unfrozen water on heat and mass transport processes in the active layer and permafrost, Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, vol. 11, pp. 219-239, 2000.
V. E. Romanovsky and Osterkamp, T. E., Interannual variations of the thermal regime of the active layer and near-surface permafrost in northern Alaska, Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, vol. 6, pp. 313-335, 1995.
V. E. Romanovsky, Marchenko, S. S., Daanen, R. P., Sergeev, D. O., and Walker, D. A., Soil climate and frost heave along the Permafrost/Ecological North American Arctic Transect, Ninth International Conference On Permafrost. Fairbanks (in this proceedings), 2008.
V. E. Romanovsky, Smith, S. L., and Christiansen, H. H., Permafrost thermal state in the polar Northern Hemisphere during the international polar year 2007-2009: a synthesis, Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, vol. 21, pp. 106-116, 2010.
V. E. Romanovsky and Osterkamp, T. E., Permafrost: Changes and impacts, in Permafrost response on economic development, environmental security and natural resources, R. Paepe and Mel*nikov, V. P., Eds. Dordrecht ; Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001, pp. 297-315.
V. E. Romanovsky and Osterkamp, T. E., Thawing of the Active Layer on the Coastal Plain of the Alaskan Arctic, Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, vol. 8, pp. 1-22, 1997.
V. E. Romanovsky, Drozdov, D. S., Oberman, N. G., Malkova, G. V., Kholodov, A. L., Marchenko, S. S., Moskalenko, N. G., Sergeev, D. O., Ukraintseva, N. G., Abramov, A. A., Gilichinsky, D. A., and Vasiliev, A. A., Thermal state of permafrost in Russia, Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, vol. 21, pp. 136-155, 2010.
V. E. Romanovsky, Gruber, S., Instanes, A., Jin, H., Marchenko, S. S., Smith, S. L., Trombotto, D., and Walter, K. M., Chapter 7: Frozen Ground, in Global Outlook for Ice and Snow, Arendal, Norway: Earthprint, UNEP/GRID, 2007, pp. 181-200.
V. E. Romanovsky, Burgess, M., Smith, S., Yoshikawa, K., and Brown, J., Permafrost temperature records: Indicators of climate change, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol. 83, pp. 589, 593-594, 2002.
N. N. Romanovsk, ii, Hubberten, H. - W., Gavrilov, A. V., Tumskoy, V. E., and Kholodov, A. L., Permafrost of the east Siberian Arctic shelf and coastal lowlands, Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 23, pp. 1359-1369, 2004.
N. N. Romanovsk, ii, Kholodov, A. L., Gavrilov, A. V., Tumskoy, V. E., Hubberten, H. - W., and Kassens, H., Ice-bonded permafrost thickness in the Eastern part of the Laptev Sea shelf (results of computer modelling), Kryosfera Zemlya, vol. 3, pp. 22-32, 1999.
A. Rinke, Matthes, H., Christensen, J. H., Kuhry, P., Romanovsky, V. E., and Dethloff, K., Arctic RCM simulations of temperature and precipitation derived indices relevant to future frozen ground conditions, Global and Planetary Change, vol. 80–81, pp. 136 - 148, 2012.
B. M. Jones, Irrgang, A. M., Farquharson, L. M., Lantuit, H., Whalen, D., Ogorodov, S., Grigoriev, M., Tweedie, C., Gibbs, A. E., Strzelecki, M. C., Baranskaya, A., Belova, N., Sinitsyn, A., Kroon, A., Maslakov, A., Vieira, G., Grosse, G., Overduin, P., Nitze, I., Maio, C., Overbeck, J., Bendixen, M., Zagórski, P., and Romanovsky, V. E., Arctic Report Card 2020: Coastal Permafrost Erosion. 2020.
P. Regmi, Grosse, G., Jones, M. C., Jones, B. M., and Anthony, K. M. Walter, Characterizing Post-Drainage Succession in Thermokarst Lake Basins on the Seward Peninsula, Alaska with TerraSAR-X Backscatter and Landsat-based NDVI Data, Remote Sensing, vol. 4, pp. 3741-3765, 2012.
M. K. Raynolds, Walker, D. A., Ambrosius, K. J., Brown, J., Everett, K. R., Kanevskiy, M., Kofinas, G. P., Romanovsky, V. E., Shur, Y., and Webber, P. J., Cumulative geoecological effects of 62 years of infrastructure and climate change in ice-rich permafrost landscapes, Prudhoe Bay Oilfield, Alaska, Global Change Biology, p. n/a-n/a, 2014.
M. A. Rawlins, Cai, L., Stuefer, S. L., and Nicolsky, D., Changing characteristics of runoff and freshwater export from watersheds draining northern Alaska, The Cryosphere, vol. 13, pp. 3337–3352, 2019.
R. C. Rangel, Parsekian, A. D., Farquharson, L. M., Jones, B. M., Ohara, N., Creighton, A. L., Gaglioti, B. V., Kanevskiy, M., Breen, A. L., Bergstedt, H., Romanovsky, V. E., and Hinkel, K. M., Geophysical Observations of Taliks Below Drained Lake Basins on the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid EarthJournal of Geophysical Research: Solid EarthJ Geophys Res Solid Earth, vol. 126, no. 3, p. e2020JB020889, 2021.
C. - L. Ping, Michaelson, G. J., Jorgenson, M. T., Kimble, J. M., Epstein, H., Romanovsky, V. E., and Walker, D. A., High stocks of soil organic carbon in the North American Arctic region, Nature Geoscience, vol. 1, pp. 615-619, 2008.
C. L. Ping, Michaelson, G. J., Kimble, J. M., Romanovsky, V. E., Shur, Y. L., Swanson, D. K., and Walker, D. A., Cryogenesis and soil formation along a bioclimate gradient in Arctic North America, Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, vol. 113, p. -, 2008.
T. C. Peterson, Baringer, M. O., Thorne, P. W., Menne, M. J., Kennedy, J. J., Christy, J., Seidel, D., Mears, C., Haimberger, L., Wang, J., Zhang, L., Levinson, D. H., Hilburn, K. A., Kruk, M. C., Robinson, D. A., Foster, M. J., Ackerman, S. A., Bennartz, R., Heidinger, A. K., Maddux, B. C., Rossow, W. B., Macdonald, A. M., Fekete, B. M., Bowling, L. C., Lammers, R. B., Lawford, R., Allan, R., Wong, T., Stackhouse, P. W., Kratz, D. P., Wilber, A. C., Schnell, R. C., Dlugokencky, E. J., Montzka, S. A., Elkins, J. W., Dutton, G. S., Haywood, J., Bellouin, N., Jones, A., Weber, M., Pelto, M. S., Belward, A. S., Bartholome, E., Achard, F., Brink, A. B., Gobron, N., Belward, A. S., Levy, J. M., Xue, Y., Reynolds, R. W., Johnson, G. C., Lyman, J. M., Willis, J. K., Levitus, S., Boyer, T., Antonov, J., Schmid, C., Goni, G. J., Yu, L., Weller, R. A., Goni, G. J., Knaff, J. A., Johnson, G. C., Lyman, J. M., Lumpkin, R., Goni, G., Dohan, K., Baringer, M. O., Meinen, C. S., Johnson, G. C., Kanzow, T. O., Cunningham, S. A., Johns, W. E., Beal, L. M., Hirschi, J. J. M., Rayner, D., Longworth, H. R., Bryden, H. L., Marotzke, J., Merrifield, M. A., Nerem, R. S., Mitchum, G. T., Miller, L., Leuliette, E., Gill, S., Feely, R. A., Sabine, C. L., Feely, R. A., Wanninkhof, R., Takahashi, T., Behrenfeld, M. J., Siegel, D. A., O’Malley, R. T., Maritorena, S., Dickson, A. G., Feely, R. A., Dickson, A. G., Diamond, H. J., L’Heureux, M., Bell, G., Halpert, M., Bell, G. D., Blake, E., Goldenberg, S. B., Kimberlain, T., Landsea, C. W., Pasch, R., Schemm, J., Kruk, M. C., Levinson, D. H., Weyman, J., Camargo, S. J., Gleason, K. L., Kruk, M. C., Salinger, M. J., Trewin, B., Watkins, A. B., Luo, J. J., Richter-Menge, J., Overland, J., Wang, M., Walsh, J., Perovich, D. K., Meier, W., Nghiem, S. V., Walker, D. A., Bhatt, U. S., Raynolds, M. K., Comiso, J. E., Epstein, H. E., Jia, G. J., Romanovsky, V. E., Oberman, N., Drozdov, D., Malkova, G., Kholodov, A. L., Marchenko, S. S., Derksen, C., Brown, R., Wang, L., Sharp, M., Wolken, G., Box, J. E., Bai, L. S., Benson, R., Bhattacharya, I., Bromwich, D. H., Cappelen, J., Decker, D., DiGirolamo, N., Fettweis, X., Hall, D., Hanna, E., Mote, T., Tedesco, M., van de Wal, R., van den Broeke, M., Fogt, R. L., Scambos, T. A., Barreira, S., Colwell, S., Turner, J., Wang, L., Liu, H., Massom, R. A., Reid, P., Stammerjohn, S., Barreira, S., Newman, P. A., Watkins, A. B., Vincent, L. A., Stephens, S. E., Heim, R. R., Gleason, K. L., Fenimore, C., Bell, G. D., Shulski, M., Ballard, R. A., Davydova-Belitskaya, V., Romero-Cruz, F., Fonseca, C., Perez, R., Lapinel, B., Cutie, V., Gonzales, I., Boudet, D., Hernandez, M., Stephenson, T. S., Taylor, M. A., Spence, J. M., Rossi, S., Cupo, J. P., Martinez, R., Pabon, D., Leon, G., Jaimes, E., Quintero, A., Mascarenhas, A., Marengo, J. A., Baez, J., Ronchail, J., Aceituno, P., Bidegain, M., Quintana, J., Skansi, M., Rusticucci, M., Kabidi, K., Sayouri, A., Sebbari, R., Attaher, S., Khalil, A., Medany, M., Njau, L. N., Bell, M. A., Thiaw, W. M., Osman-Elasha, B., Oludhe, C., Ogallo, L., Mhanda, A., Mutasa, W. Z. C., Gamedze, M. S., Kruger, A., McBride, C., Obregon, A., Bissolli, P., Kennedy, J. J., Parker, D. E., Trigo, R. M., Barriopedro, D., Bulygina, O. N., Korshunova, N. N., Razuvaev, V. N., Guo, Y., Sakai, Y., Zhao, S., Wang, X., Lee, H., Rajeevan, M., Revadekar, J., Rogers, M., Khoshkam, M., Rahimzadeh, F., Trewin, B. C., Watkins, A. B., Salinger, M. J., McGree, S., Guard, C., and Lander, M. A., State of the Climate in 2008, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, vol. 90, p. S13-+, 2009.
S. A. Pecheritsyna, Shcherbakova, V. A., Kholodov, A. L., Akimov, V. N., Abashina, T. N., Suzina, N. E., and Rivkina, E. M., Microbiological analysis of cryopegs from the Varandei Peninsula, Barents Sea, Microbiology, vol. 76, pp. 614-620, 2007.
A. D. Parsekian, Grosse, G., Walbrecker, J. O., Müller-Petke, M., Keating, K., Liu, L., Jones, B. M., and Knight, R., Detecting unfrozen sediments below thermokarst lakes with Surface Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 40, pp. 535-540, 2013.
A. D. Parsekian, Jones, B. M., Jones, M., Grosse, G., Anthony, K. M. Walter, and Slater, L., Expansion rate and geometry of floating vegetation mats on the margins of thermokarst lakes, northern Seward Peninsula, Alaska, USA, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, vol. 36, pp. 1889–1897, 2011.
N. C. Parazoo, Koven, C. D., Lawrence, D. M., Romanovsky, V., and Miller, C. E., Detecting the permafrost carbon feedback: talik formation \hack\breakand increased cold-season respiration as precursors \hack\breakto sink-to-source transitions, The Cryosphere, vol. 12, pp. 123–144, 2018.
S. K. Panda, Marchenko, S. S., and Romanovsky, V. E., High-resolution permafrost modeling in Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve, pp. 1 - 40, 2014.
