
Found 302 results
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S. Zubrzycki, Kutzbach, L., Grosse, G., Desyatkin, A., and Pfeiffer, E. - M., Organic carbon and total nitrogen stocks in soils of the Lena River Delta, Biogeosciences Discussions, vol. 9, pp. 17263 - 17311, 2012.
S. Zubrzycki, Kutzbach, L., Grosse, G., Desyatkin, A., and Pfeiffer, E. - M., Organic carbon and total nitrogen stocks in soils of the Lena River Delta, Biogeosciences, vol. 10, pp. 3507 - 3524, 2013.
B. N. Zolotareva, Fominykh, L. A., Kholodov, A. L., and Shirshova, L. T., Composition of humus in chronosequences of buried soils in the tundra zone, Eurasian Soil Science, vol. 42, pp. 496-506, 2009.
B. N. Zolotareva, Fominykh, L. A., Shirshova, L. T., and Kholodov, A. L., The composition of humus in permafrost-affected soils of the Bol’shezemel’skaya and Kolyma tundra areas, Eurasian Soil Science, vol. 42, pp. 36-48, 2009.
Q. Zhuang, Romanovsky, V. E., and A. McGuire, D., Incorporation of a permafrost model into a large-scale ecosystem model: Evaluation of temporal and spatial scaling issues in simulating soil thermal dynamics, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, vol. 106, pp. 33649-33670, 2001.
Q. Zhuang, A. McGuire, D., Melillo, J. M., Clein, J. S., Dargaville, R. J., Kicklighter, D. W., Myneni, R. B., Dong, J., Romanovsky, V. E., Harden, J., and Hobbie, J. E., Carbon cycling in extratropical terrestrial ecosystems of the Northern Hemisphere during the 20th century: a modeling analysis of the influences of soil thermal dynamics, Tellus Series B-Chemical and Physical Meteorology, vol. 55, pp. 751-776, 2003.
Q. Zhuang, A. McGuire, D., O’Neill, K. P., Harden, J. W., Romanovsky, V. E., and Yarie, J., Modeling soil thermal and carbon dynamics of a fire chronosequence in interior Alaska, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, vol. 108, p. -, 2002.
L. Zhao, Jin, H. J., Li, C. C., Cui, Z. J., Chang, X. L., Marchenko, S. S., Vandenberghe, J., Zhang, T. J., Luo, D. L., Guo, D. X., Liu, G. N., and Yi, C. L., The extent of permafrost in China during the local Last Glacial Maximum (LLGM), Boreas, vol. 43, pp. 688-698, 2014.
L. Zhao, Wu, Q., Marchenko, S. S., and Sharkhuu, N., Thermal state of permafrost and active layer in Central Asia during the international polar year, Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, vol. 21, pp. 198-207, 2010.
D. Wisser, Marchenko, S. S., Talbot, J., Treat, C., and Frolking, S., Soil temperature response to 21st century global warming: the role of and some implications for peat carbon in thawing permafrost soils in North America, Earth Syst. Dynam. Discuss., vol. 2, pp. 161-210, 2011.
D. Wisser, Marchenko, S. S., Talbot, J., Treat, C., and Frolking, S., Soil temperature response to 21st century global warming: the role of and some implications for peat carbon in thawing permafrost soils in North America, Earth Syst. Dynam., vol. 2, pp. 121-138, 2011.
D. G. Williams, Cable, W. L., Hultine, K., Hoedjes, J. C. B., Yepez, E. A., Simonneaux, V., Er-Raki, S., Boulet, G., De Bruin, H. A. R., Chehbouni, A., Hartogensis, O. K., and Timouk, F., Evapotranspiration components determined by stable isotope, sap flow and eddy covariance techniques, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, vol. 125, pp. 241 - 258, 2004.
S. Wetterich, Grosse, G., Schirrmeister, L., Andreev, A. A., Bobrov, A. A., Kienast, F., Bigelow, N. H., and Edwards, M. E., Late Quaternary environmental and landscape dynamics revealed from a pingo sequence on the Seward Peninsula, Alaska, Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 39, pp. 26-44, 2012.
S. Westerman, Duguay, C., Grosse, G., and Kääb, A., Remote Sensing of the Cryosphere, 2015, pp. 307-344.
S. A. Weiss, Marshall, A. M., Hayes, K. R., Nicolsky, D. J., Buma, B., and Lucash, M. S., Future transitions from a conifer to a deciduous-dominated landscape are accelerated by greater wildfire activity and climate change in interior Alaska, vol. 38, no. 10, pp. 2569 - 2589, 2023.
Z. Wang, Xiao, M., Liew, M., Jensen, A., Farquharson, L., ROMANOVSKY, V., Nicolsky, D., McComb, C., Jones, B. M., Zhang, X., and Alessa, L., Arctic geohazard mapping tools for civil infrastructure planning: A systematic review, Cold Regions Science and Technology, vol. 214, p. 103969, 2023.
K. Wang, Jafarov, E., Overeem, I., Romanovsky, V., Schaefer, K., Clow, G., Urban, F., Cable, W., Piper, M., Schwalm, C., Zhang, T., Kholodov, A., Sousanes, P., Loso, M., and Hill, K., A synthesis dataset of permafrost-affected soil thermal conditions for Alaska, USA, Earth System Science Data, vol. 10, pp. 2311–2328, 2018.
Z. Wang, Xiao, M., Nicolsky, D., ROMANOVSKY, V., McComb, C., and Farquharson, L., Arctic coastal hazard assessment considering permafrost thaw subsidence, coastal erosion, and flooding, Environmental Research Letters, vol. 18, p. 104003, 2023.
K. M. Walter, Edwards, M. E., Grosse, G., Zimov, S. A., and Chapin, III, F. S., Thermokarst Lakes as a Source of Atmospheric CH4 During the Last Deglaciation, Science, vol. 318, pp. 633-636, 2007.
D. A. Walker, Epstein, H. E., Romanovsky, V. E., Ping, C. L., Michaelson, G. J., Daanen, R. P., Shur, Y., Peterson, R. A., Krantz, W. B., Raynolds, M. K., Gould, W. A., Gonzalez, G., Nicolsky, D. J., Vonlanthen, C. M., Kade, A. N., Kuss, P., Kelley, A. M., Munger, C. A., Tamocai, C. T., Matveyeva, N. V., and Daniels, F. J. A., Arctic patterned-ground ecosystems: A synthesis of field studies and models along a North American Arctic Transect, Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, vol. 113, p. -, 2008.
D. A. Walker, Epstein, H. E., Šibík, J., Bhatt, U., Romanovsky, V. E., Breen, A. L., Chasníková, S., Daanen, R., Druckenmiller, L. A., Ermokhina, K., Forbes, B. C., Frost, G. V., Geml, J., Kaärlejarvi, E., Khitun, O., Khomutov, A., Kumpula, T., Kuss, P., Matyshak, G., Moskalenko, N., Orekhov, P., Peirce, J., Raynolds, M. K., and Timling, I., Vegetation on mesic loamy and sandy soils along a 1700-km maritime Eurasia Arctic Transect, Applied Vegetation ScienceApplied Vegetation ScienceAppl Veg Sci, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 150 - 167, 2019.
D. A. Walker, Leibman, M. O., Epstein, H. E., Forbes, B. C., Bhatt, U. S., Raynolds, M. K., Comiso, J. C., Gubarkov, A. A., Khomutov, A. V., Jia, G. J., Kaarlejarvi, E., Kaplan, J. O., Kumpula, T., Kuss, P., Matyshak, G., Moskalenko, N. G., Orekhov, P., Romanovsky, V. E., Ukraientseva, N. G., and Yu, Q., Spatial and temporal patterns of greenness on the Yamal Peninsula, Russia: interactions of ecological and social factors affecting the Arctic normalized difference vegetation index, Environmental Research Letters, vol. 4, p. -, 2009.
