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M. P. Waldrop, Wickland, K. P., R. Iii, W., Berhe, A. A., Harden, J. W., and Romanovsky, V. E., Molecular investigations into a globally important carbon pool: permafrost-protected carbon in Alaskan soils, Global Change Biology, vol. 16, pp. 2543-2554, 2010.
L. Schirrmeister, Grosse, G., Kunitsky, V. V., Fuchs, M. C., Krbetschek, M., Andreev, A. A., Herzschuh, U., Babyi, O., Siegert, C., Meyer, H., Derevyagin, A. Y., and Wetterich, S., The mystery of Bunge Land (New Siberian Archipelago): implications for its formation based on palaeoenvironmental records, geomorphology, and remote sensing, Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 29, pp. 3598-3614, 2010.
V. E. Romanovsky, Smith, S. L., and Christiansen, H. H., Permafrost thermal state in the polar Northern Hemisphere during the international polar year 2007-2009: a synthesis, Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, vol. 21, pp. 106-116, 2010.
S. K. Panda, Prakash, A., Solie, D. N., Romanovsky, V. E., and Jorgenson, T., Remote sensing and field-based mapping of permafrost distribution along the Alaska Highway corridor, interior Alaska, Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, vol. 21, pp. 271-281, 2010.
T. Jorgenson, Romanovsky, V. E., Harden, J., Shur, Y., O’Donnell, J., Schuur, E. A. G., Kanevskiy, M., and Marchenko, S. S., Resilience and vulnerability of permafrost to climate change, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, vol. 40, pp. 1219 - 1236, 2010.
L. Schirrmeister, Kunitsky, V., Grosse, G., Wetterich, S., Meyer, H., Schwamborn, G., Babiy, O., Derevyagin, A., and Siegert, C., Sedimentary characteristics and origin of the Late Pleistocene Ice Complex on North-East Siberian Arctic coastal lowlands and islands - a review, Quaternary International, vol. In Press, 2010.
R. A. Beck, Rettig, A. J., Ivenso, C., Eisner, W. R., Hinkel, K. M., Jones, B. M., Arp, C. D., Grosse, G., and Whiteman, D., Sikuliqiruq: ice dynamics of the Meade River - Arctic Alaska, from freezeup to breakup from time-series ground imagery, Polar Geography, vol. 33, pp. 115 -137, 2010.
G. Grosse and Jones, B. M., Spatial distribution of pingos in Northern Asia, The Cryosphere Discussions, vol. 4, pp. 1781 - 1837, 2010.
L. Zhao, Wu, Q., Marchenko, S. S., and Sharkhuu, N., Thermal state of permafrost and active layer in Central Asia during the international polar year, Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, vol. 21, pp. 198-207, 2010.
S. L. Smith, Romanovsky, V. E., Lewkowicz, A. G., Burn, C. R., Allard, M., Clow, G. D., Yoshikawa, K., and Throop, J., Thermal state of permafrost in North America: a contribution to the international polar year, Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, vol. 21, pp. 117-135, 2010.
V. E. Romanovsky, Drozdov, D. S., Oberman, N. G., Malkova, G. V., Kholodov, A. L., Marchenko, S. S., Moskalenko, N. G., Sergeev, D. O., Ukraintseva, N. G., Abramov, A. A., Gilichinsky, D. A., and Vasiliev, A. A., Thermal state of permafrost in Russia, Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, vol. 21, pp. 136-155, 2010.
G. Grosse, Romanovsky, V. E., Nelson, F. E., Brown, J., and Lewkowicz, A. G., Why permafrost is thawing, not melting, EOS, vol. 91, p. 87, 2010.
R. R. Muskett and Romanovsky, V. E., Alaskan Permafrost Groundwater Storage Changes from GRACE and Ground Measurements, Remote Sensing, vol. 3, pp. 378-397, 2011.
D. Misra, Daanen, R. P., and Thompson, A. M., Base flow/groundwater flow, in Encyclopedia of Snow, Ice and Glaciers, First., V. Singh, Singh, P., and Haritashya, U. K., Eds. Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2011, p. 1254.
H. Lantuit, Atkinson, D., Overduin, P. Paul, Grigoriev, M., Rachold, V., Grosse, G., and Hubberten, H. - W., Coastal erosion dynamics on the permafrost-dominated Bykovsky Peninsula, north Siberia, 1951-2006, Polar Research, vol. 30, p. 7341, 2011.
D. Misra, Daanen, R. P., and Thompson, A. M., Discharge/streamflow, in Encyclopedia of Snow, Ice and Glaciers, First., V. Singh, Singh, P., and Haritashya, U. K., Eds. Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2011, p. 1254.
R. R. Muskett and Romanovsky, V. E., Energy and mass changes of the Eurasian permafrost regions by multi-satellite and in-situ measurements, Natural Science, vol. 3, pp. 827-836, 2011.
A. D. Parsekian, Jones, B. M., Jones, M., Grosse, G., Anthony, K. M. Walter, and Slater, L., Expansion rate and geometry of floating vegetation mats on the margins of thermokarst lakes, northern Seward Peninsula, Alaska, USA, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, vol. 36, pp. 1889–1897, 2011.
L. Schirrmeister, Grosse, G., Wetterich, S., Overduin, P. Paul, Strauss, J., Schuur, E. A. G., and Hubberten, H. - W., Fossil organic matter characteristics in permafrost deposits of the Northeast Siberian Arctic, Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences, vol. 116, p. G00M02, 2011.
R. P. Daanen, Misra, D., and Thompson, A. M., Frozen soil hydrology, in Encyclopedia of Snow, Ice and Glaciers, V. Singh, Singh, P., and Maritashya, U. K., Eds. 2011.
G. Hugelius, Virtanen, T., Kaverin, D., Pastukhov, A., Rivkin, F., Marchenko, S. S., Romanovsky, V. E., and Kuhry, P., High-resolution mapping of ecosystem carbon storage and potential effects of permafrost thaw in periglacial terrain, European Russian Arctic, J. Geophys. Res., vol. 116, p. G03024, 2011.
C. D. Arp, Jones, B. M., Urban, F. E., and Grosse, G., Hydrogeomorphic processes of thermokarst lakes with grounded-ice and floating-ice regimes on the Arctic coastal plain, Alaska, Hydrological Processes, vol. 25, pp. 2422-2438, 2011.
R. P. Daanen, Misra, D., and Thompson, A. M., Hydrological cycle and snow, in Encyclopedia of Snow, Ice and Glaciers, First., V. Singh, Singh, P., and Haritashya, U. K., Eds. Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2011, p. 1254.
L. Schirrmeister, Grosse, G., Schnelle, M., Fuchs, M., Krbetschek, M., Ulrich, M., Kunitsky, V., Grigoriev, M., Andreev, A., Kienast, F., Meyer, H., Babiy, O., Klimova, I., Bobrov, A., Wetterich, S., and Schwamborn, G., Late Quaternary paleoenvironmental records from the western Lena Delta, Arctic Siberia, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, vol. 299, pp. 175-196, 2011.
B. M. Jones, Grosse, G., Arp, C. D., Jones, M. C., Anthony, K. M. Walter, and Romanovsky, V. E., Modern thermokarst lake dynamics in the continuous permafrost zone, northern Seward Peninsula, Alaska, Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences, vol. 116, p. G00M03, 2011.
