On the possibility of clathrate hydrates on the Moon

TitleOn the possibility of clathrate hydrates on the Moon
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2001
AuthorsDuxbury, NS, Nealson, KH, Romanovsky, VE
JournalJournal of Geophysical Research-Planets
Date PublishedNov 25
ISBN Number0148-0227
Keywordscarbon-dioxide, deposits, ice, mercury, stability

One of the most important inferences of the Lunar Prospector mission data was the existence of subsurface water ice in the permanently shadowed craters near both lunar poles [Feldman et al., 1998]. We propose and substantiate an alternative explanation that hydrogen can exist in the shallow lunar subsurface in the form of clathrate hydrates: CH4 . 6H(2)O and/or CO2 . 6H(2)O.

URL<Go to ISI>://000172431100001