The use of CORONA images in remote sensing of periglacial geomorphology: an illustration from the NE Siberian coast

TitleThe use of CORONA images in remote sensing of periglacial geomorphology: an illustration from the NE Siberian coast
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsGrosse, G, Schirrmeister, L, Kunitsky, VV, Hubberten, H-W
JournalPermafrost & Periglacial Processes
KeywordsBykovsky peninsula, corona, DEM, geomorphology, GIS, Laptev Sea, patterned ground, Periglacial, Permafrost, Remote sensing, Siberia, Thermokarst

CORONA images have been used for the mapping of periglacial features on the Bykovsky Peninsula and adjacent Khorogor Valley in NE Siberia. Features, mapped and analyzed within a geographical information system include thermokarst depressions, thermo-erosional valleys, thermo-erosional cirques, thermokarst lakes, thermokarst lagoons and pingos. More than 50% of the area is strongly influenced by thermally-induced subsidence. Thermokarst in the area is probably less active today than in the early-middle Holocene.