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Filters: Author is Sergey S. Marchenko and Keyword is Permafrost [Clear All Filters]
“Chapter 7: Frozen Ground”, in Global Outlook for Ice and Snow, Arendal, Norway: Earthprint, UNEP/GRID, 2007, pp. 181-200.
, “Comparison of model-produced active layer fields: Results for northern Alaska”, vol. 112, p. F02S10, 2007.
, “Soil temperature response to 21st century global warming: the role of and some implications for peat carbon in thawing permafrost soils in North America”, Earth Syst. Dynam., vol. 2, pp. 121-138, 2011.
, “Vulnerability of high-latitude soil organic carbon in North America to disturbance”, Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences, vol. 116, p. G00K06, 2011.