
Found 105 results
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R. R. Muskett, Romanovsky, V. E., Cable, W. L., and Kholodov, A. L., Active-Layer Soil Moisture Content Regional Variations in Alaska and Russia by Ground-Based and Satellite-Based Methods, 2002 through 2014, International Journal of Geosciences, vol. 6, pp. 12-41, 2015.
E. A. G. Schuur, A. McGuire, D., Schädel, C., Grosse, G., Harden, J. W., Hayes, D. J., Hugelius, G., Koven, C. D., Kuhry, P., Lawrence, D. M., Natali, S. M., Olefeldt, D., Romanovsky, V. E., Schaefer, K., Turetsky, M. R., Treat, C. C., and Vonk, J. E., Climate change and the permafrost carbon feedback, Nature, vol. 520, no. 7546, pp. 171 - 179, 2015.
D. R. Harp, Atchley, A. L., Painter, S. L., Coon, E. T., Wilson, C. J., Romanovsky, V. E., and Rowland, J. C., Effect of soil property uncertainties on permafrost thaw projections: a calibration-constrained analysis, The Cryosphere Discussions, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 3351 - 3404, 2015.
B. K. Biskaborn, Lanckman, J. - P., Lantuit, H., Elger, K., Streletskiy, D. A., Cable, W. L., and Romanovsky, V. E., The Global Terrestrial Network for Permafrost Database: metadata statistics and prospective analysis on future permafrost temperature and active layer depth monitoring site distribution, Earth System Science Data Discussions, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 279 - 315, 2015.
D. R. N. Brown, Jorgenson, T., Douglas, T. A., Romanovsky, V. E., Kielland, K., Hiemstra, C., Euskirchen, E. S., and Ruess, R. W., Interactive effects of wildfire and climate on permafrost degradation in Alaskan lowland forests, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, vol. 120, no. 8, pp. 1619 - 1637, 2015.
J. M. Heikoop, Throckmorton, H. M., Newman, B. D., Perkins, G. B., Iversen, C. M., Chowdhury, T. Roy, Romanovsky, V. E., Graham, D. E., Norby, R. J., Wilson, C. J., and Wullschleger, S. D., Isotopic identification of soil and permafrost nitrate sources in an Arctic tundra ecosystem, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, vol. 120, no. 6, pp. 1000 - 1017, 2015.
K. Saito, Liaudat, íoTrombotto, Yoshikawa, K., Mori, J., Sone, T., Marchenko, S., Romanovsky, V. E., Walsh, J., Hendricks, A., and Bottegal, ía, Late Quaternary Permafrost Distributions Downscaled for South America: Examinations of GCM-based Maps with Observations, Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, p. n/a - n/a, 2015.
