An estimate of organic carbon input to the Arctic seas from permafrost and soils of the East Siberian coasts

TitleAn estimate of organic carbon input to the Arctic seas from permafrost and soils of the East Siberian coasts
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Conference2003
AuthorsKholodov, AL, Fyodorov-Davidov, DG, Rivkina, EM, Gubin, SV, Sorokovikov, VA, Fominikh, LA, Gilichinsky, DA
Conference Name8th International Conference on Permafrost
Date PublishedJuly 20-25, 2003
PublisherInternational Permafrost Association
Conference LocationZürich, Switzerland
Keywordsaliphatic hydrocarbons, alkanes, Arctic Ocean, Arctic Ocean–Laptev Sea, Arctic region, Bykovsky peninsula, Cape Chukochyi, Cape Svyatoi Nos, carbon, carbon cycle, carbon dioxide, chemical composition, climate change, climatic change, degradation, East Siberian Sea, geochemical cycle, geochemical cycles, global change, global warming, greenhouse effect, hydrocarbons, ice, ice cover, Laptev Sea, methane, organic carbon, organic compounds, Permafrost, sea ice, sea water, soils, thawing, Thermokarst