News Articles

"The (Actual) Ground Is Shifting Beneath Alaskans' Feet"

Dr. Romanovsky contributed to a the story "Alaska: Obama's Poster Child for Global Warming" posted at Mashable.

UAF professor leads Arctic ecosystem science initiative

University of Alaska Fairbanks professor Vladimir Romanovsky has been named chief scientist for a U.S. Department of Energy initiative to study Arctic ecosystems. The Next-Generation Ecosystem Experiments in the Arctic leadership team in May appointed Romanovsky to the role. Romanovsky is a professor of geophysics at the UAF Geophysical Institute.

Whether Climate Change, The Northern Russia "Craters": The Romanovsky Hypothesis (2)

In another interview yesterday Dr. Romanovsky spoke more of climate processes regarding
the mysterous northern Russia "craters" and his hypothesis of their formation, such as
Climate Change over the recent 100 or less years. The full a ticle is at Vice News:

Northern Russia "Craters": The Romanovsky Hypothesis

Dr. Romanovshy, Professor of Geophysics at the Geophysical Institue, University of Alaska Fairbanks spoke to reporter Tanya Lewis at LiveScience, about the mysterous "craters" of Yamal and Northern Russia. Since their sightings many speculative mechanisms have been offered of their formaiion and why. Dr. Romanovsky gives a clear explanation of how and why such surface features can and are forming in permafrost regions.

Scientists Find More Gigantic Craters in Northern Russia: Could Shallow Gas Explosions From Thawing Permafrost Be The Cause?

A recent article in Daily Mail, 23 February 2015, has new details and information of the mysterious "craters" of Yamal and many more across northern Russia. Near one of new found craters local residents spoke of a "flash of light".

Permafrost Change versus Infrastructure: Permafrost Wins

Geophysical Institute Geophysics Professor Vladimir E. Romanovsky gave an interview to KNBA 90.3 FM and was broadcast on December 12 2014.

"Journey To The Bottom of The Siberian Holes in Yamal"

PRI's The World has more of the ongoing investigations and more insights from the Permafrost Lab's Prof.

FrostByte by lab member Bill Cable

Bill Cable is a Research Professional and masters student in the lab and has created this FrostByte showcasing some of our research in Barrow as part of the NGEE project.

High-resolution Permafrost Modeling, Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve, Alaska

The National Park Service, US Dept. of Interior, has published a new technical report by Santosh Panda, Sergey Marchenko and Vladimir Romanovsky of the GI Permafrost Lab: online at


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